Dra. María José Pérez-Luque

Director of the Degree in Multimedia and Graphic Design.
PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She completed her doctoral thesis at Boston University (USA). She has more than twenty years of professional, educational and interdisciplinary research experience in multicultural environments. She has lived and worked in Europe, the United States, South America and the Middle East.
He founded the Laboratorio de Comunicación Multimedia in Spain, the first entity in the country dedicated to research, consultancy and development on the applications of online and multimedia technologies to the world of journalism and communication.
He has participated in and managed international projects with funding from the European Union, the NSF (National Science Foundation of the United States), Spanish public entities and the private sector. He has extensive experience in the design, management and implementation of highly complex interdisciplinary projects.
She has organised international conferences, supervised doctoral theses and final degree projects. She has taught at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral level in different disciplines and countries. She is the author of books and articles in research journals and conferences, as well as a reviewer of research papers for journals and conferences and other publications.
As a self-taught artist, his plastic work focuses on abstract figurative painting and photography. She has experience in cultural management. She has been director of an art gallery and teacher of colour theory and abstract painting. The study of creativity, contemporary art and design, always at the service of the human being, is one of her greatest passions.
PhD accredited by ACAP, she leads an interdisciplinary research project that involves the application of fractal geometry and complexity sciences to the world of design, art and architecture. Its aim is to understand and model the laws and algorithms that nature uses to develop its forms: functional, efficient, sustainable and beautiful. This project has many points in common with the improvement of the user experience (UX) in both physical and digital environments, since once the models have been reached, the potential application of these natural algorithms to design and all kinds of contemporary artistic manifestations will facilitate an infinite number of creations that will benefit the well-being of human beings, their personal experience, by reflecting the structures and laws of nature. She has been the driving force behind the first international congress on this subject.