Quality System and Regulations
Quality System and Regulations
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Spanish regulations establish that universities must have formally established and publicly available policies and Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS).
The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the University of Design, Innovation, and Technology (UDIT) is the set of documented processes necessary to manage and control the development of various activities in order to:
- Contribute to the achievement of objectives and purposes of quality systems in the European Higher Education Area, in accordance with the document “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (ESG).
- Comply with the requirements established in the national legislation required for all its degrees.
- Facilitate the deployment of its purpose and vision through the Quality Policy within the scope of IQAS.
- Provide clear, precise, objective, up-to-date, and easily accessible information about its activities and programs.
- Ensure effective continuous improvement of the system.
UDIT has developed, implemented, and certified an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 standard, the criteria of Madrid Excelente (quality seal of the Community of Madrid), following the principles of the SISCAL program of the Madri+d Foundation, which is structured in 8 criteria:
- Quality assurance policy
- Management of the educational offer
- Management of the degrees
- Management of teaching staff
- Management of learning resources and support services
- Results
- Public information, transparency, and accountability
- Organization of continuous improvement
UDIT’s IQAS is unique and encompasses all centers/degrees of UDIT, as well as their corresponding processes. It has been developed by the Quality Department and approved by the University’s Management, with the collaboration of all academic and administrative departments within its structure.
Since 2015, UDIT’s Quality System has been certified according to ISO 9001 standard and Madrid Excelente seal, and it is periodically audited by evaluators specialized in the university sector.
- Academic Regulations
- Degree Extinguishment Regulations
- Bachelor's Thesis Regulations
- Master's Thesis Regulations
- RAC Regulations
- External Internship Regulations
- Credit Recognition and Transfer Regulations
- Coexistence Rules
- Internal Quality Assurance System Manual
- Bachelor's Degree Retention Regulations
- Master's Degree Retention Regulations