Urban Architect from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, where she taught Drawing and Architectural Projects. She teaches at ESNE the subject of Technical Drawing in the Multimedia and Graphic Design Degree. With many years of teaching and professional experience in different fields of architecture, urban planning and landscaping, she is currently focusing on the completion of her doctoral thesis “The beauty of the limit: approach to a scientific theory of beauty in architecture”, in which she investigates the algorithms underlying the laws of generation of the forms of nature and their application to art, design and architecture, taking fractal geometry and the sciences of complexity as a reference.
She is the author of several articles in journals and conferences as well as book chapters related to her research. She participated in the Now Programme funded by the European Union to promote the role of women in architecture by creating the association for the training of women architects AFA. She is currently part of the research group Architectural Research Team: Theory and History ART T&H at the UNAV in the section of Drawing and New Technologies: Fractal and parametric architecture. Visual artist who develops his work in drawing, watercolour, photography and graphic work, being the common link between all his artistic projects Nature as the basis of design and creativity. Another of his artistic facets that highlights Nature is landscaping, having collaborated on several projects including the restoration of the Hispanic-Muslim gardens of the Alcázar of Seville.