Llanos Gómez, PhD from the Complutense University (ANECA accreditations), focuses her research on communication and avant-garde art, performance and socio-semiotics of culture.
She has taught at various public and private universities, both on-site and online; she has coordinated the Department of Aesthetics for the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Photography and the Faculty of Music and Contemporary Compositions at TAI. She has also been responsible and director of the TFGs for different faculties.
She is the author of the essay La dramaturgia futurista de Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. El discurso artístico de la modernidad, of Expresiones sintéticas del Futurismo and co-director of the volume El Futurismo, la explosión de la vanguardia. She is also the author of numerous research and academic articles and has collaborated with the Fundación Juan March in the preparation of the catalogue Depero Futurista. She has edited the Dossier. Vanguardias en Hispanoamérica, published by Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos and is editor of the volume Eidética.
She has been awarded a doctoral research grant by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has had several research stays at the Archive of Futurism, at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Rovereto (Italy) and at IULM. At the same time, she is the author of creative works such as La cittá de Dite, Special Mention of the Lorenzo Montano Prize (Verona), of Arco Voltaico and Cartas de Caín, in which she deals with the hybridisation of genres. He has also collaborated with different written and online media and with Radio Círculo – Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid.