Dr. Fernando Altozano García

Architect since 2002 and PhD since 2016. Specialist in the morphometry of urban housing and high-density cities. Faced with the 2008 crisis, he created the commercial brand Dos Quijotes and the construction company working under the SL Materia Activa, which between 2008 and 2018 developed numerous projects ranging from interior design to structural transformation. More than 30 works are built under the same premise of support + micro-performances as a way of distinguishing two orders: on the one hand structure + technical and spatial infrastructure (support); on the other hand the micro-performances of modular, prefabricated and dry vocation, able to adapt the house to the variation of its function over time with changes that can be executed in the minimum time. He currently runs his own practice in Madrid as an architect and coordinator of works and projects. Lecturer since 2003 in different schools and universities: ETSAM, UE and ESNE. He has been invited to give classes at the Architectural Association, at the Nantes School of Architecture (together with Anne Lacaton), at the Eth Zurich (Andrea Deplazes workshop) and at Roma Tre.
In 2016 he was co-curator of the exhibition Paris Habitat. Cent ans de ville cent ans de vie Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, to commemorate the centenary of the most productive public social housing company of the 20th century. He is the author of three books on housing and the city, has participated in documentaries on the same subject and has written numerous articles in technical journals.
From 2005 to 2010 he was coordinator of MAS in Collective Housing, a joint degree between ETSAM and ETH Zurich, where he still directs the free speciality Housing Projects and coordinates Andrea Deplazes’ project workshop.

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