Coté Hospido Lobeiras

Lecturer in International Production / Direction and Advanced Design: creation of bibles. With a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid, since 2000 she has been the production manager of the production company CTP SA, with more than 200 hours of television (children’s programmes, popular programmes, documentaries and advertising). In 2007, within CTP, he produced the feature-length documentary ‘El Sexo de los Dinosaurios’ (The Sex of the Dinosaurs), released in cinemas in Spain and broadcast by RTVE with great audience success. The documentary includes several animation sequences.
In 2015, she finished the traditional animated feature film ‘The Cubby House Project’, a feature film classified as of special interest to children and which deals with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, explained to children and teenagers through a fictional story. Since the 2018-19 academic year, in addition to continuing her professional career, she has been teaching Film Production at the University School of Design and Technology, ESNE, in the 4th year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Animation.

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