Antonia Santolaya

Antonia Santolaya has a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and later extended her studies in printmaking at St Martins University in London in 1993-95. In 2017 she obtained a nine-month artistic residency at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome 2011 First prize in the V International Illustrated Album Competition of Gran Canaria “Nada el pensamiento” 2010 Honourable mention in “Invenciones2010” Mexico “La mujer pájaro” 2000 She won the Apel. Les Mestres ( Editorial Destino) “Las damas de la luz” She has given workshops and lectures at the ABC Museum, the Cervantes Institute in Mexico DF, the Cervantes Institute in Oran (Algeria), the University of Zaragoza, Alicante, Arte 10 in Madrid and ESDIR Logroño. She has developed most of her work in the publishing world, SM, Oxford, Santillana, Anaya, Edelvives, etc, combining it with exhibitions such as “Del Trastevere al paraíso” Reservoir Books 2020, “Concepción Arenal, La mujer del porvenir” Ed Nórdica 2020, “Feminismo para principiantes ilustrado” Ed Random House 2019 or “Trastevere-Paradiso” Reflexión gráfica-autoedición 2017.