Isabel Iniesta

PhD in Communication (Inter-University Doctorate Programme in Communication, from the universities of Malaga, Seville, Huelva and Cadiz) and Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Zaragoza.
In business since 1977, he designs and implements market-oriented business strategies.
His professional experience began in 1975, in the company Marketing Asociados, having subsequently held various management positions. In the 90s she developed her professional career in the distribution company Ormes S. L. as B2B sales manager in Zaragoza. Subsequently, she was sales delegate for the multinational OFISERVICE (Lyreco) and in the department store retail company José Luís Gay S. L. (CadaCual, Tiendas por Estilos and Almacenes Gay), as director of the Customer Service Department. In 2000 she founded MarketReal Consultores S. L., where she has been general manager and, currently, marketing director. She has also been a certified consultant in the Entrepreneurship Unit of the Aragonese Development Institute (Aragon Regional Government), author of the book Manual del Consultor de Marketing (Profit Editorial, 2010), as well as various publications in high impact journals and chapters in specialised books. Index H6 in Google Scholar with numerous publications, her work can be followed in both ORCID (ID 0000-0002-0127-3487) and Scopus (Author ID: 57201856228)As a researcher, she is a member of the Research Group in Communication and Digital Information (GICID) since February 2016, recognised as a Reference group (S29_20R), of the University of Zaragoza. She is also a member of the Social Media and Inclusive and Ubiquitous Media Education (SMEMIU) research group at the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain).