
UDIT Goes Global!

Since its inception, UDIT has been a higher education institution dedicated to quality training in the field of design. We understand education, today and in the future, as a major issue with an international dimension, carried out in collaboration with institutions from any country while working in different dimensions. The number of international students is growing and, for our institution, this represents a form of cultural enrichment in favour of large-scale diversity and inclusion, in line with the professional reality of the future, which will necessarily be global.
Since 2017, UDIT has belonged to the Cumulus Association network of universities and schools of Art and Design , made up of 257 members from 54 countries, including such noteworthy institutions as the Royal College of Art in London, Savannah College of Art and Design in New York, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Finland, or the Politecnico di Milano. Our agreements with several of these and other institutions help create opportunities for students, the teaching faculty and the wider UDIT community.

Exchanges of students and lecturers, master classes of international professionals, languages, workshops in collaboration with our partners in locations such as New York, Beijing or Finland, among others, as well as meetings and research, are only some of the activities through which UDIT wishes to offer the best and most complete training framework in higher education in design.
Each year we welcome students and lecturers from diverse backgrounds, and we establish relationships with institutions and companies that share our vision and wish to collaborate and develop projects with us. The set of institutional and academic internationalisation actions make up UDIT’s global identity. UDIT Goes Global!


Our relationship with other institutions in the field of higher education and research makes it possible to share methodologies and exchange visions within our common mission of training the designers of the future. This implies a fundamentally practical form of cooperation that starts with the signing of agreements and moves on to actions in the form of workshops, exchanges or joint initiatives of any kind. There are many alliances that enrich us, from agreements for the development of joint programmes to those dedicated to providing the best student and teacher exchange experiences. Institutions interested in collaborating can contact Dr. Verónica Meléndez, Director of International Relations and Programmes, via email:


If you are an undergraduate student from a foreign higher education institution, you can apply for a 1 or 2 semester exchange sojourn at UDIT, in any of our programmes, until all available places are filled. Consult the characteristics of method, and the manual where full information on the application process can be found. At the end of their sojourns, all incoming students receive a transcript of grades for the subjects passed, as well as other documentation, so that their home university can transcribe the grades into the corresponding transcript.

If you would like to study a full degree or short course at UDIT, please visit the admissions section for international students..

European Students: Erasmus+ Programme

Students enrolled in European schools and universities are eligible for mobility at UDIT through the Erasmus+ programme. Check with your university, and let them know if you are interested in a sojourn at our centre so that they can confirm if there is an Erasmus+ agreement in force between the two institutions. If not, please let them know you wish to come to UDIT so that they can contact our international relations office, both to start the application process and to process the Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement. Classes at UDIT are taught in Spanish. In order to facilitate adaptation to other languages, the sending universities offer their students the OLS language improvement service provided by Erasmus+. Check with your university about how it works.

Non-European Students: Bilateral Programme

If your home university is outside the European Union, you can still apply for a mobility stay at UDIT. For this, your institution must have signed a bilateral agreement with UDIT, which sets out the general and financial conditions, as well as the number of places agreed upon. Contact your international relations office to verify this, and if you have any doubts, please email us at If it is not possible to sign the agreement, you can still opt for a one or two-semester sojourn as a Study Abroad student, information about which is available in the following section.
If you are an undergraduate student at UDIT, and you meet the requirements set out in the Outgoing handbook, you can apply for a one-semester exchange sojourn at one of the higher education institutions that have an agreement in force with UDIT. There are two options:

Mobilities within the Erasmus+ programme. At UDIT partner universities or schools within the EU. Applicants will be eligible for financial support offered by the European Commission.

Mobility to other countries. In the rest of the universities with which UDIT has an agreement, included in the list of bilateral agreements.

In both cases, when you complete your sojourn and return to Spain, UDIT will be able to recognise all the agreed credits that have been passed at your destination. You can consult in this section the list of institutions of each option.


If your profile matches the application requirements detailed in the handbook, to start the process you will need to make a formal application via the link below. All applicants will go through a selection process from which we will obtain a shortlist per host institution, based on scales comparable to the criteria described in the handbook. Of those selected, students who confirm their interest must follow all the steps outlined in the handbook, with the support of the international office and the coordinators designated in each UDIT Degree.

To get started, consult the handbook, stay tuned for information sessions, and if you are interested, complete the application form by 17 February 2022.

Once you have read the exchange manual and prepared all the documentation in digital format, please complete your application by filling in the following form:


Once the selection has been confirmed, students will sign the acceptance form, or waiver form, within the deadlines indicated, as well as the responsibility sheet, in the links available below.

When these are completed, UDIT will be able to nominate each student to their host university. When the application is accepted, the application process for the chosen destination will have started. Students will receive instructions on how to apply directly from the university, guided by UDIT’s international relations office and the degree to which they belong.

Throughout the application and selection process, and the subsequent follow-up during the stays, it is very important that students remain in contact with the department at

Contact us

Exchange Coordinator

Contact: +34 915 55 25 28 ext. 223



If you are a UDIT lecturer and you wish to undertake a brief sojourn at one of European partner universities, please fill in the form below.


If you are a lecturer from a foreign university, either from Europe or outside of Europe, and you wish to undertake a short teaching sojourn in our institution, please fill in the form below.



If you have any questions or if you want to set up your access, please write or call us on +34 915 55 25 28.