Redesigning film posters in Barfutura

Laura Pere, alumni of the Degree in Multimedia and Graphic Design and designer of the Barfutura studio, has collaborated in a practical of the subject Fundamentals of Creativity with first year students, whose objective was the redesign of three posters of Spanish films from different periods for a current young audience. The films were: «El Verdugo» «Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios» and «La isla mínima».

Winning posters by film:

  • Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown
    • First prize: Alonso García, Bárbara del Pino, Violeta Sirera, Carine
    • Second prize: Cristina García-Sanfrechoso, Marina González, Blanca García, Natalia Mompeán, Ester Martín
  • The Executioner
    • First prize: Carlota Uriarte, Victoria Martínez, Alejandro Osset, Guisselle Serralta
    • Second prize: Valeria Xu, Irene Bermejo, Cristina Salazar, Luis Pomar
  • The Minimum Island
    • First prize: Paula Muñoz, Andrea Cutillas, María Isabel González, Nuria Arregui
    • Second prize: Gloria Ayllón, Beatriz Sánchez, Sara Muñoz, Mar Lladó